
Vegan MoFo IV Day 6: MeMe time

These MeMe's are great if you're having a bit of writers blox OR if you're swanning around Alicante with your two bezzies on a glorious shopping trip that involves stalking Johnny Depp's yacht and drinking cocktails. Whichever.

What is one food you thought you’d miss when you went vegan, but don’t?
Cheese (everyone's answer right??)

What is a food or dish you wouldn’t touch as a child, but enjoy now?
I've always been a great eater and funnily enough the only food I wouldn't eat as a child was of the meat persuasion.

What vegan dish or food you feel like you “should” like, but don’t?
Pumpkin. Don't hate me please. I do like pumpkin I'm just not overly fussed about it. I like it in baked goodies and puddings but it's just tooooooo sweet for me in a savoury dish so I always shy away from using it. If anyone can suggest an awesome dish involving pumpkin with a combo of spices and seasonings that makes it less sweet please let me know. I know there's ooodles of pumpkin recipes whizzing around the blogosphere at the moment.

What beverage do you consume the most of on any given day?

What dish are you “famous” for making or bringing to gatherings?

Do you have any self-imposed food rules (like no food touching on the plate or no nuts in sweets)?
Ummmm no. Not a one.

What’s one food or dish you tend to eat too much of when you have it in your home?
Chickpeas. I eat them everyday in one form or another.

What ingredient or food do you prefer to make yourself despite it being widely available prepackaged?
Seitan. Not that it's that widely available here but when I do buy the pre packaged stuff I always ask myself "Why?".

What ingredient or food is worth spending the extra money to get “the good stuff”?
Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter.

Are you much of a snacker?  What are your favorite snacks?
Not a big big snacker but when I do it's either Hummous or Marmite on crackers. Or sometimes both. Try it!

What are your favorite vegan pizza toppings?
Tomatoes, Onion, Mushrooms, Spinach, Olives, Basil, Olive Oil.

What is your favorite vegetable?  Fruit?
Spinach, peas, asparagus, mango

What is the best salad dressing?

What is your favorite thing to put on toasted bread?
Strawberry Jam or Baked Beans depending what mood I'm in.

What kind of soup do you most often turn to on a chilly day or when you aren’t feeling your best?
Mediterranean tomato

What is your favorite cupcake flavor? Frosting flavor?
I've not really gotten into the whole cupcake craze so I've not tried that many. Bearing that in mind I still reckon it would be hard to beat a Coconut cuppie with coconut frosting.  Amirite?

What is your favorite kind of cookie?
Lemon Puffs and Fig Rolls

What is your most-loved “weeknight meal”?
Noodles and veggies

What is one dish or food you enjoy, but can’t get anyone else in your household to eat?
Walnuts, pineapple and shitake mushrooms. I KNOW!

How long, in total,  do you spend in the kitchen on an average day?
2 -3 hours

How many fingers am I holding up?

What kind of things are you doing for VeganMofo?
Reading lots of awesome blogs.


Anonymous said...

You outed yourself about not being a pumpkin lover! My goodness...but of course I still love you! I've been enjoying reading everyone's answers.
I will come and eat shitakes, walnuts & pineapple with you any day!

Not A Rabbit said...

I didn't think I liked pesky Memes, but I really enjoyed reading yours!

I think the fact that you have absolutely no weird self imposed food rules is kind of weird in itself! Hee hee! ;P

And I expected you to answer something like "crisps" or "chocolate" or "cake", to number 7, but you are just a chickpea addict! :)

Always nice to learn more about my favourite Treehugger! :D

Anonymous said...

We took the survey last night and I thought to myself that cheese would be a popular answer to question #1!

Happy MoFo'ing!

jessy said...

you know, dan doesn't really care for pineapple either, and i love the stuff. he also abhors mustard and beets, and i loooove them. boys are crazy! ah ha ha! i don't miss cheese either, and that's awesome that you're know for bringing cakes to get-togethers, Jeni - i bet you're everyone's favorite guest! :) i think i could eat chickpeas every day as well - and mediterranean tomato soup sounds wonderful! amen for quality not quantity when it comes to dark chocolate and peanut butter. i totally agree! what a great meme! hope you're enjoying the weekend, Jeni!

River said...

Yep. Coconut cupcake with coconut frosting has to be one of the best ones! :D

Oh man, no food touching on the plate! I don't like my different side dishes fraternizing with each other!

I remember your writerz blox kitteh from MoFo 2008! :)

Jackie Smith said...

I feel you on the pumpkin. I also am not a huge fan.

Anonymous said...

Ah I see

wingraclaire said...

I'm with you: it's definitely cheese. And we live in Wisconsin, which is the #1 dairy state in the USA. (California thinks it's them, but they can go suck it. Whoa, what am I saying? It's just that Wisconsinites are constantly focusing on dairy; it's in our blood. Maybe that's why we have so many heart attacks....) Anyway, yeah, cheese.

And I really want to know if you got to see Johnny Depp!

Kiri and Carla said...

I enjoyed reading your interview! :D and ... I can't understand how you don't love pumpkin! hehe. I should try making my own seitan too, I admire that! Hugs!***

panda with cookie said...

Coconut with coconut!!!!

Rose said...

Stalking Johnny Depp's yacht sounds like fun, esp. with cocktails thrown in.

I love beans on toast too. And yes about the coconut cupcakes!

x said...

I'm not a huge lover of pumpkin either mostly because it can be too sweet!

Thanks for sharing the survey, I am sure I'll need it during VeganMoFo!

Jessica said...

I love chickpeas! I'll have to look back and see what kinds of things you do with them.

I'm not a huge pumpkin fan, either. I made some pumpkin chili today with chickpeas --- and liked the chickpeas best!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, pay the money for the good dark chocolate! Agreed!

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

This is making me want to get some figs. Plus, I've never had fig dressing before!

Lisa Marie said...

I love reading these! I find them to be so interesting. :)

You know, there's a recipe I follow during this time of year involving pumpkin. It's seriously good stuff! It's easily veganized too if you leave off the cheese. I like to top my cup of soup off with a dollop of guac. Here's the recipe...


Let me know if you try it!

Jen Treehugger said...

Thanks for the link Lisa Marie.