
Sign Petition to Ban Bull Fighting

Actor, producer and writer Ricky Gervais  has partnered with WSPA to call for an end to the cruel practice of bullfighting, promoting WSPA's petition and urging tourists to stop supporting such brutality on their travels.
"Sometimes the worst kind of cruelty is done in the name of entertainment," says Gervais. "It sickens me to know that people still pay money to see an animal tortured to death. Cultural heritage is no excuse for inflicting such pain on a frightened and confused animal."

The Parliament of Catalonia, Spain, was due to vote on a bullfighting ban on June 9th and over 120,000 people joined in calling on MPs to end this bloody cruelty once and for all. But in a desperate bid to buy time for the pro-bullfighting lobby, the Popular Party of Catalonia (PPC) has used a legal loophole to delay the vote.

But despite this stalling, the vote will take place on July 15th. Gervais urges people worldwide to put pressure on the Catalonian Government in Spain by signing WSPA's petition. Please take a moment to sign the petition so your voice can be heard.
"We want them to know that there are people all around the world who care which way they vote, and are hoping to see them put an end to this cruel 'sport'"


Susie - secondhandsusie.blogspot.com said...

Thanks for posting about this Jeni, I signed it! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great topic, Jeni. I hope people read it and sign the petition.

Anonymous said...
