
I have been awarded

Four times! thanks to Edain of the fantabulous English, Pagan and in Canada And the awesome Paula from Art and Home Check out their blogs if you haven't done so. I have to admit that I'm not very good at passing on these awards, which explains why the first one has been sat on my desktop for a good while! All the blogs I frequent deserve all of these awards and I'm just rubbish at sticking to the rules and selecting ONLY 10 or 15 people to pass them on to. So I'm gonna totally break the rules and say that if your blog appears in my blogroll on the right (there are HUNDREDS of 'em) then these awards are for YOU!
Edited to add: I've just counted how many blogs are in my list and there are 131 of you! Jeez - do I spend too much time in blog land or what!! If you have a blog that you think I would like, please leave me a link in the comments and I will add you too.


Anonymous said...

an award well deserved...congrats!

Anonymous said...

Four times? Yes, because you're awesome. Congrats!

jessy said...

hooooooooray for all the awards, Jeni! they're all well deserved!

superhappyface! :D

miss v said...

congrats congrats congrats!

For the Love of Guava said...

Much deserved sassy vegan lady!

Sal - AlienOnToast said...

hurrah - congrats x 4!

Anonymous said...

Hourrah for the love! I'm not surprised, you're so super-cool. I'm terrible about passing awards along, too. I say we're all winners! (Do I sound cheesy enough?)

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

Congratulations! You definitely deserve this award. Enjoy the blogger love!


How cute for you!
congrats and well deserved I might add!

wingraclaire said...

Congrats! You are one of my favorite reads, so it's great you got an award!

Bethany said...

congrats, you got them because you're so much fun and your blog rocks!

sp said...

Congratulations! There's a reason I keep stopping by.

Agnesss =) said...

Hey hey HEYOOO Jenni!!! =))

I'm soooo happy to read your posts again!!! =D I've missed you since being away from blogworld for a few days..!!

CONGRATS for YOU!!!!!!!!

How are you now..?? How do you feel..?? And the weather,how's it like..?? =)) hOPE YOU'RE DOING GREAT!! =D


Enjoy your day!!

aTxVegn said...

You deserve them all!