
Eating meat is WRONG!

You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian to be appalled by animal cruelty.
I used to go fox hunt sabotaging with plenty of people who would return to their homes after the hunt to tuck into their Sunday dinners of roast beef. So no, you don't have to be vegan or vegetarian to be appalled by animal cruelty. You just need a sense of compassion. You don't need to be vegan or vegetarian to have a sense of compassion. You just need to be human. The suffering that we, as humans, inflict on the animal kingdom is barbaric and wrong. If you are abhorred by animal suffering and cruelty and you eat meat, where does your disgust of a baby seal being clubbed to death end and your justification of eating a bacon butty start? If you are able to separate and see the difference between a dog kept locked in a cage and used for animal experiments and a calf being separated from it's mother and stored in a darkened crate until it is killed then I envy and pity you all at the same time. I envy your ignorance and I pity your ignorance.
Are we not taught that killing is wrong?
Should this be exclusive to killing humans alone or should it be extended to the taking of all life, any life? Who are we to be able to separate one life from another? Isn't all life sacred? Doesn't the divine spark of life reside in ALL living creatures? If you eat meat and call yourself an animal lover then you are a hypocrite. Say you love animals EXCEPT cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks etc etc but don't call yourself an ANIMAL LOVER. Justify to yourselves the difference between looking into the eyes of your beloved pet dog/cat/snake/hamster and looking into the eyes of a pig/chicken/cow being sent to slaughter.
If you can see a difference then please lend me those rose coloured glasses.
THERE IS NO FREAKING DIFFERENCE. For a free PDF guide to going vegetarian click here.


Jodi Anderson said...

Well said! :)

chow bella said...

I'm really glad that seal picture was taken at the moment it was, because if I had seen the results of that picture I would have started crying for sure. I really feel the general public doesn't understand the depravity of the meat industry.

DJ said...

Hear-Hear, young Jeni! It's an ethical dilemma I struggle with everyday living with a pescetarian.

Bethany said...

I'm sad now, but I know this message must be repeated again and again until people make the leap of logic and compassion.

I hope that lots of non vegans see this post.

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

YES! Exactly!!

sp said...

Great post. I'll have to link to it.

disabled account said...

i cannot tell you how many times i've tried to explain to someone this very point. i have many friends, family and co-workers who never seem to understand why i won't do things like eat honey, use cosmetics that have been tested on animals or wear wool. i try to explain to them the exploitation, wounds and quality of life and scars these animals suffer, but they won't see...they have convenient rose colored glasses.

if you ask me, eating dairy and eggs is just as bad. the dairy industry is abusive to the cows and supports the veal industry. and the manner in which chickens are treated for their eggs is abusive as well.

people can be sick creatures and it breaks my heart to see these animals in pain of any kind.

thank you for posting this...i hope it gets through to at least one person who comes across it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, alas, you're so right. I used to work on animal shelter drives with people, and then we'd have picknicks and they'd pull out their dead-meatables. All we can do is to do our best every day and never, ever, ever quit. Ever.

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

You tell'em Jeni! Things like this make me go glad I don't eat or wear animals.

Sal - AlienOnToast said...

well said - unfortunately people don't want to hear it. I get asked why I'm vegan and am happy to explain but they inevitably just come back with the old humans being top of the food chain / "happy cows" / "humane" slaughter / milking doesn't hurt the cows pile of crap arguments and don't want to hear those arguments being challenged.

They just write me off as being over the top and then get over asking any more questions. It's saddening.

Felicity said...

yes, it's strange isn't it, how people can separate cruelty to companion animals from cruelty to "food" animals. they see one as being wrong, yet the other is considered acceptable. I hope more people begin to realise that *all* life is sacred.

Amanda said...

Jeni--have you read The Emotional Lives of Animals? Just started it today...it's amazing! As are you..thanks for continuing to put the message out there!

Anonymous said...

Great post. It is tough to see the pictures, but the meateaters need to see this and understand how cruel it is to the animals and also to our environment. Ugh. I cannot stand the torture of any creature. They were just saying on the news this morning here in the States that dairy cows were now being slaughtered.

Carla said...

Jeni - re Almond Butter.
I don't have the jar any longer (its gone to the recycling) but from what I remember the ingredients were, almonds, salt and oil. Like peanut butter but almonds.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. The pictures make me sad though.

I can never figure out how people can call themselves animal lovers and still eat meat or wear leather. I wish I had the guts to tell people like that what hypocrites they are.

For the Love of Guava said...


kelly g. said...

I used to go fox hunt sabotaging

You ROCK, Jeni!